The Facebook becomes the most popular social website all over the world and the people who are using it from different backgrounds, cultures, manners, ages, education levels and interests all of that make very difficult to put that entire people under the control of Facebook’s rules. We don’t have to forget there are many exceptional cases must break the fundamental policy of Facebook. I am going to take some of those terms, trying to analysis and finding the justifications to break them. The first term stats “You will not provide any false personal information on Facebook, or create an account for anyone other than yourself without permission.” This condition could be suitable for all people who are using their accounts to make friends or connecting with their families, relatives and real friends but the Facebook becomes more than just social website because it contributes to make our history, changes our present and gives us a wide vision to future such as Libyan revolution which starts on Facebook first because all the Libyan political opponents wrote their opinions about oppression and injustice against Libyan People by Gadafi’s regime that were accepted from Libyan streets and motivated people to demonstrate on 17th of Feb 2011. In that days If somebody wrote on Facebook with real personal details to send video to show how that regime kills civilian people in street maybe he would lose his life. I think in above case we have to use false account to do the right thing with a good justification to break Facebook rules. But if somebody uses Facebook to make commercial ad I think he has to pay or saw in court.